Thursday, December 22, 2011

A story from Anevay

I decided I'd post one of my stories. So, here you go. It's not based on any of the prompts, but it's meant to inspire... something. Get what you want from it.
CLAIMER: storyline and characters are mine. No stealing! Thanks for playing.

Flat against the wall, she peeked around and quickly withdrew. “Guards,” she hissed. Removing her necklace, she wound the chain around her wrist until the strange, long charm about as long as her pinky finger was in a comfortable grip. Silently, she flicked it open to reveal a tiny knife.
“What is that going to do?” I hissed. The blade itself was shorter than her pinky! She just grinned, reaching behind her to pull out another switch blade a little shorter than her pointer finger. “A few tiny knives aren’t going to help us!”
Ignoring me, she slid around the corner with a knife in each hand. I followed, wondering if she was going to get herself killed. I guess I should have had more faith in her.
As soon as the guards noticed her, she went on the attack. She extended her arm and used it as a barrier, pushing the side of her hand and arm against the guard’s neck. Before he could retaliate, her longer blade’s hilt thudded against his temple and he passed out. The second guard hesitated, and this time, her right foot struck out flat against his knee, causing him to double over and giving her the chance to hit his temple, too.
My mouth gaped stupidly and I hurriedly snapped it shut before she looked back at me. “Handy tools,” I commented.
“The chain serves a dual purpose,” she said, adjusting her grip on the knives. “It hides it and keeps the knife in my grip. If anyone tries to take it from me,” she shrugged. “It stays."
Random idea I had. I don't know who they are, or what's going on, but that's the way a lot of ideas are with me. Eventually, they turn into something! I think I'll use this in a certain series I've been thinking on... yep, good place to put it. Anyway, hopefully that inspired something in you. A want to write? I dunno. Constructive criticism is welcome!

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