Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fountain pens

Gasp, you're right, there are pictures of fountain pens! Very perceptive. I was just paroozing Google and stumbled on fountain pens. I love fountain pens -- they write so beautiful it makes me jealous.
     I know what you're thinking: Anevay, you and your stupid vague prompts... but trust me, this one has ideas hidden in there, just like all my others.
    For example: who's pen is it? What is used to write? Something sinister, graceful, beautiful, hurtful, kind, thoughtful? Does it do anything special? Is the ink different? What's inside the pen? Does this pen have a particular history? How old is it? Where did it come from or WHO did it come from? (And there are plenty of fountain pens in the world -- just look on Google).
     There are endless possibilities in any picture. You just have to know where to look.

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