Sunday, July 15, 2012

Writer's... Block. Fix=Fantasy Prompt!

Something terrible has happened.
     Yes, I have writers block.
     Gasp! Horrible, isn't it? It's seriously annoying. It's like I can't motivate myself to write when I want/need to! I've just realized that it's been going on for a while. Gah. So dumb. Well, let's do a prompt on my favorite genre: fantasy! I'll try this one with you. Maybe it will help. Hopefully.
     Alright, prompt is this.
     Use this idea and any object in the picture: You sit up surrounded by running, screaming warriors, covered in dirt, dust and something else and holding something sharp. You can't remember how you got there. All you know is, you're in trouble.
    Put any spin on it you want, change the weapons however you want -- I have no idea if they're from a game or whatever, I just found them on Google, don't belong to me, obviously -- make those weapons have any powers you desire and make your story.
     Stumped? Don't be. Your character has amnesia, wakes up on a battle ground with a weapon and has to defend themselves. They're probably amateur at it, or maybe they remember their skills or their hands and body do. They could have flashbacks as they fight, making them clumsier, or they could go through the whole battle having no idea what they're fighting for and find out later, maybe almost kill a friend or two by accident -- thus making a point for the rest of the story. Who doesn't love a good amnesia story? Heck, at this point, you don't even know they're past! You come up with it as you go!
     Yep, I definitely like this one.
     Get writing and good luck!