Monday, February 27, 2012


New topic: Fanfiction.
     Fanfiction is great. It gives you a chance to take other people's characters and play around with them. What that does is helps you stick to a character's personality--it tests your ability to stay in character and not be OOC (out of character), which is a big part of writing.
     If you can take someone else's character and use them like your own, that helps you keep your own characters doing what they would really do.
     So, Fanfiction does three things: 1) give you ready-made characters to play with, 2) tests your ability to stay in character and 3) teaches you to realize that you've got to make things realistic. Some things just wouldn't happen to certain characters because of the way they are.
    Well, that's about it. Have fun with it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Book of Dreams

(Under dreams on Google :)
What would you put in a book of dreams? Fantasies, love, desires, hope, family, friends, humor, stories--the possibilities are endless. What would your character, would would you, put in a book of dreams?
What stories would be inside? What people? What experiences, what laughter, what desires and hopes would be written there?
Princes, Kings, real life, fairy tails, perfection, a better world, a better anything, really.
How would you describe a book of dreams? How would you write it? A book of dreams defines your characters hopes and hates--dreams, thoughts--define everything about a character.
What would be in theirs? What would be in yours?